Behavioural Medicine

Behavioural medicine is an interdisciplinary field combining both medicine and psychology and is concerned with the integration of knowledge in the biological, behavioral, psychological and social sciences relevant to health and illness.

Trinity Psychologists are highly experienced in the field of Behavioural Medicine e.g. Pain Management (PM), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) using effective evidence based treatments such as Clinical Hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness.

If you live with pain we can help you understand it, reduce it, control it and importantly reverse or prevent the debilitating impacts it has on your life.

As Dr Lorimar Moseley and David Butler state in their book Explain pain, “All pain is real.” While the signal value of acute pain is critical for our wellbeing, the suffering caused by chronic pain is equally real, often negatively impacting upon all aspects of a person’s life.

Advances in such things as brain imaging, neurophysiology, immunology, psychology, cellular biology and clinical hypnosis have given us a far better understanding of the parts of the brain and body involved in how pain is experienced, the factors that impact upon the experience of pain and the process by which pain causes the negative impact it has on our lives. Importantly we now much better understand how to help people reduce their levels of pain and reverse or prevent the onset of the downward spiral pain can have on their lives.

We have over 14 years experience, assisting people manage pain, sleep and recover from injury and the emotional distress associated with pain. We have successfully assisted many people safely come off or significantly reduce pain medications and return to active, socially and occupationally engaged lives.

We work in collaboration with your doctor, physiotherapist or any other practitioner working with you and where appropriate your family and friends. We will conduct a thorough assessment into the nature of your pain, your cognitive and behavioural responses to pain and will develop a treatment plan that addresses your individual needs.

Issues we treat:

  • Pain Management
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Auto-immune disorders


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